Sara Ajnnak and Jon Andersson,“Fátmmie – open arms

The healing power of nature is there as an open embrace for man. In the Sami cultural tradition, people have treated sacred places with great respect for their powers and their geographical area. In preparation for our stay in Mittlandsskogen, we have collected material from our immediate area which we want to combine with the geographical location on Öland. We look forward to our stay and to continuing the creation of Fátmmie on location on Öland this summer.

as “Part of the Landscape” in Dyestad village on Öland island, Sweden

The project comes from an acquisition of the experimental platform for art and agriculture, Kultivator, on Öland for the Moderna museum’s collections. In this, Kultivator has committed to operating as part of the landscape for 5 years in Öland Mittland’s unique, multifunctional culture and natural environment. During the spring and summer of 2023, five different artists are invited to make and present site-specific works in the forest pasture, each with their own perspective, and with an invited guest who has special knowledge of the site. Here, a format for conversation is created in and with a place, where a more than a thousand-year collaboration between humans, domestic animals, plants and microorganisms takes place. What is our common future? And how do we relate to the conflicts between species and lifestyles that are becoming increasingly critical in a time of mass extinction and climate change?