/ Sep village, Udmurt Republic, July 12–18, 2021
. Sep village: Day 1

Trixa, Ilya and Nail have arrived in the village of Sep! The acquaintance of the tour participants with the club team and the first day of the workshop were perfectly described by Sep Community member Svetlana Maltseva, we publish the author's text:
“ Is it possible to extract music from old bast shoes, a cast-iron iron, broken parts from a loom, and other old, obsolete things? What is a true shame story, and does shame mean feeling guilty about something done by you or others? What to include in the noise design of a radio show? How to make the audience of the future "shameful" performance its frank and sincere accomplices? And in general, what do you call this future action – reading with music or melody, as suggested by Alexander Yuminov?

Sound workshop shame on you! started. Yesterday Ilya Komarov, Trixa Arnold and Nail Gilfanov arrived in Sep, and today all the other “visiting” participants of the sound workshop have come up — Alexander Yuminov, Vsevolod Yuminov, Nikita Gorshkov and Natalya Gorshkova. So the acquaintance with Sep, which began the day before with the hospitable house of Tatyana Ksenofontovna Mosova and a sightseeing tour of the Sepsky TsSDK, continued with a walk through the exhibition "Sepsky Bylichki", the People’s Museum of Disappeared Villages and smoothly flowed into a joint heated discussion of the preparation of a radio show and the creation of a noise orchestra. In addition, it turned out that the noise "tools'' are literally at hand – they are stored in an old barn not far from the club. Ancient rusty scissors and the same rusty saw, a washboard, some details from a loom that look like maracas, an old lamp, a glass bottle, a wooden dish ... It seems that everything will be used. And it turned out not only to drag them to the club with the whole “gang” in a light pouring rain (which you can’t even believe this summer!), but also to immediately experiment with them during the recording process at the Sep studio. That did Trixa and Ilya and our young sound engineers Nikita Gorshkov and Natalya Gorshkova do with passion.

What always surprises, inspires, relaxes and at the same time concentrates efforts during our events in Sep? Let's not be original and repeat: not only fresh air, green grass and high skies, but also an atmosphere of sincere friendliness, curiosity, a desire to have a great time in good company – so that it is remembered for a long time and left some kind of mark on the soul. And it just so happens that random people almost never visit our creative “light”. Here are the curators of the workshop Ilya Komarov and Trixa Arnold (husband and wife, a creative family duet who comes up with unusual and close projects), who arrived from distant Zurich, somehow immediately organically fit into this atmosphere, and Tatyana Ksenofontovna, who always expects guests with excitement — won't they turn out to be too capricious, won't they be touchy? she breathed a sigh of relief: our people! And in one day, everyone became closer to each other. It turned out that the charming Trixa not only speaks decent Russian, but also knows how to listen and hear, strives to learn more about a new place for her and about its people ... and in general, she comes from a Swiss village and even knows how to milk a cow! Ilya is generally practically her boyfriend. He won our hearts with Tatiana Ksenofontovna on the very first day, when, during a tour of the Sepsky House of Culture and a story about projects, he unexpectedly sang: “For God's sake, tell me where the railway is ...” A song from the Public Archive of the Traditional Culture of the North of Udmurtia, which he heard in our group in social networks!.. "

Photo: Alexander Yuminov and Svetlana Maltseva
Source: Sep Community
Source: Sep Community
. Sep Community
The cultural community center Sep Community was created as a place for the creative implementation of the inhabitants of the village of Sep, but today it has clear signs of an active resource center. Its influence on the cultural life of the republic is becoming more and more noticeable as a result of the use of new forms in the work of a typical village club. By its example, Sep Community demonstrates another important social element – the ability to access resources allows a creative person to create a high-quality intellectual product, regardless of where he lives – in a big city, in a district center or in a small village.
The musical workshop with Trixa Arnold and Ilya Komarov continued the consistent work on the preservation and development of musical culture in the north of Udmurtia. The simple form and bright theme of the performance shame on you! allowed not only to show the local community an example of an interesting cultural product, but also to involve residents in dialogue and joint work on a radio play. The recording studio, equipped in the same year, was created for such cooperation, opening up new perspectives for society and especially for the younger generation of the village of Sep.