/ Sep village, Udmurt Republic, July 12–18, 2021
. Sep village: Day 7
The musical workshop in the village of Sep lasted exactly a week and fit into seven chapters of our diary. Read the final report from Svetlana Maltseva, then – Izhevsk!
“ And here it is, the ending day of our sound workshop. The visiting people are gradually leaving the hospitable Sep, returning to their daily affairs. The Sep Community and the Sepsky TsSDK today, together with the administration of the Igrinsky district, also returned to their important planned club events: they held (for the first time in Sep) the Sepskie Prostory Open Regional Track and Field Run along Truda (”Labor”) street.
And the most persistent ones remained in the studio – curators Ilya Komarov with Trixa Arnold and our sound engineer Nikita Gorshkov, who did the most important work with sound recording all week. And, perhaps, for the time being it is he who best of all knows the volume and variety of what has been recorded. So today in the workshop they “cleaned up the tails”: they threw off the projects on their media in order to work with the material further, uploaded them to the cloud for reliable storage ...

… And finally, our guests from Switzerland visited the settlement of Igra – and above all the Igrinsky Museum of Local Lore, where they got acquainted with one of our projects – the exposition Time Leads a Round Dance. According to Nikita, everyone really liked the museum!
– We are very delighted with the exhibition, with the guide, who turned out to be the director of the museum, with the communication that has arisen, – says Nikita. – And here is such a detail ... Small players hang on one of the walls, in which you can listen to various songs collected during the expeditions. And among them, one of the first sounds is a song about the railway.
Opinions, impressions, reflections of Ilya and Trixa about the time spent in Sep Community and our workshop, you will still read on the pages of our groups in social networks and see in the film being prepared by Alexander Yuminov and Vsevolod Yuminov.
Resonance is the most positive! About what happened, I think, will be heard for a long time: I would like to hope that our workshop will be remembered by everyone who was involved in it in one way or another. And do not forget that we are waiting for the premiere of the radio series recorded in the Sep studio! Maybe not in the near future, but it will happen!

In the meantime, we sincerely thank everyone who took an active part in the organization and work of the sound workshop. According to our estimates, about forty people became participants in one way or another. But first of all, we are grateful to the staff of the Sepsky TsSDK. Many thanks to you for the warmth, cordiality, hospitality and work, Tatyana Mosova, Dmitry Perevoshchikov, Alexei Lekomtsev, Diana Anatolyevna Lekomtseva, Galina Mikhailovna Lekomtseva, Alevtina Evgenievna Mosova, Vladimir Nikiforovich Mosov, Ekaterina Romanova, Nina Vitalievna Lekomtseva, Andrey Lekomtsev. Heartfelt gratitude to the Sepsky Choir of Veterans and children of Sep, to the entire local community, who supported the new, absolutely unusual format of work. You won't regret it: the radio series, according to the predictions of some music experts, should become a big cultural event.

Thanks to our faithful friends – Microterritory Gorod Ustinov, thanks to whom the wonderful Ilya and Trixa ended up in the Sep Community, who brought distant Switzerland closer to us this week and showed that there are no boundaries for art and music. And that the language of art and music is international. Ahead of the independent traveling theater are performances in other cities of Russia. Tomorrow they are going to Izhevsk, then to Nizhny Novgorod, Tula region… Thank you, Ilya and Trixa! Let your theatrical journey through Russia be unforgettable. Know that you now have good friends in the Sep Community. And ... we will meet again! ”
Photo: Alexander Yuminov and Svetlana Maltseva
Source: Sep Community
Source: Sep Community