/ Sep village, Udmurt Republic, July 12–18, 2021
. Sep village: Day 3
The third day in Sep was marked by a rehearsal of a noise orchestra of homemade instruments created by Trixa and Ilya together with the locals. We publish a text filled with discoveries by Svetlana Maltseva about how this happened:
“ Yesterday, a philosophical, thoughtful and contemplative day happened in our workshop – both under the influence of the performance shame on you!, and thanks to the impressions of an evening walk through the picturesque Sep surroundings.
And today there was noise, din, roar, delight from new musical discoveries, constructive fuss and complete creative bedlam ... We had an orchestra rehearsal! In general, Fellini is resting. In our spontaneously created small orchestras, everyone could feel like a composer, conductor, musician (almost great!) – especially when sitting in headphones in front of microphones in a real studio, where real sound engineers recorded the real music you created. And at the same time, it was possible to feel absolutely no shame for the first experience. What shame can we talk about if you extract amazing sounds from an old trough, a vintage table lamp, already prehistoric bills, great-grandfather's cast-iron iron, bast shoes or a rusty saw?... Remember that junk museum exhibits called antique utensils that we dragged from the old barn on the first day? So, everything went into business!

Yes, today Ilya Komarov and Trixa Arnold held a master class of musical composition and together with young and experienced music lovers in the faces of the choir of veterans created orchestras for the soundtrack of a radio show about shame, and Alexander Yuminov with Sep boys and girls collected sounds ... of the village.

Initially, the participants of the workshop, after listening to the opening speech of Ilya Komarov and Alexander Yuminov, split into two conditional groups. One of them decided to work with noise instruments (they are obsolete household items), the other went through the streets of Sep to record the sounds around us on a professional recorder. Paradoxically or not, the noise orchestra was chosen by the senior group – the choir of veterans of the Sepsky TsSDK, and the boys, who, it would seem, were happy to rumble and drum from the heart, preferred to seek and listen to the chamber sounds of the street, river, waterfall (yes, yes, it turns out, Sep Community has that too!), fields, bird calls and insects buzzing. But in the end, it still turned out the way Tatyana Mosova really wanted: grandmothers and grandchildren made music together!

– How many of you know how the village sounds at night?, – Alexander Yuminov puzzled everyone with the first question. – Imagine what a huge number of sounds surround us! Due to the fact that the inhabitants are busy with their usual activities – some milk cows, others mow grass, others play or look at smartphones, almost no one notices how the village sounds. During these two days we will try to find out how the village sounds during the day, in the morning, at night .... Has anyone ever wondered what bast shoes sound like? We also did not think until the Swiss guests arrived and said – oh!

... Yes, our Swiss guests have discovered some incredible things for us, including those that literally lie underfoot ... or gather dust in an old barn. And how miraculously, thanks to the microphone, the sounds extracted from them can be refracted, amplified, and acquire a magical sound and velvety volume. And you should have seen the excitement with which Aleksey Lekomtsev and Dmitry Perevoshchikov found new sources of sounds!..

– This is a huge space for experiment!, – said Ilya Komarov, inviting everyone to try all the items. – And with all this we will play music, record our orchestra for a radio show.
Even the most rational and skeptical residents of Sep village (“pampering!”) very quickly got involved in the game and did not notice how they already ended up in the studio with an old watering can or an ancient trough at their feet, falling into the “nets” of our young imperturbable sound engineers Natalya Gorshkova and Nikita Gorshkova. Several songs have already been recorded! They say it turned out very well for the first experiment! And it seems that the small Sepsky orchestras have already come up with names for themselves.

Tomorrow is the next hot day, full of discoveries, unusual music-making and, perhaps, philosophical reflections. We are waiting for everyone who will read (or tell) stories of shame and record them in the Sep studio. And we will continue to experiment with noise instruments – old things that have rested in oblivion in attics and barns and seem to have found a second youth in our sound workshop. ”
Photo: Alexander Yuminov and Svetlana Maltseva
Source: Sep Community
Source: Sep Community