/ Sep village, Udmurt Republic, July 12–18, 2021
. Sep village: Day 4
We continue to catch news from the music workshop in the village of Sep. The fourth day was largely spent in studio work. Svetlana Maltseva sensitively collected impressions into the text, Alexander Yuminov took a photo:
“ The holiday and revelry of noise instruments gave way to serious studio work. If the day before in the Sepsky TsSDK everything was seething, musically rumbled, gently rattled and rhythmically tapped, then yesterday the center of action moved to the soundproof walls of the Sep studio. Everyone exhaled, sat down at the microphones, put on their headphones and ... forward and with the song!

The heroes of the day are, of course, those who recorded and recorded tracks and lyrics for the radio show shame on you! – a choir of veterans and children's noise orchestras, artists Ilja Komarov and Trixa Arnold, musicians from the Sepsky club, story performers and, of course, sound engineers who will have to comprehend, artistically process and edit everything recorded. One of the main characters of the fourth day of the workshop is sound engineer Nikita Gorshkov. He will tell us about what happened yesterday.

– The day began with the fact that together with the choir of veterans we learned Ilya Komarov's song Curious Barbara and recorded it. Moreover, we recorded several takes, collected the final one from them and let everyone listen to what happened. The choir of veterans unanimously rejected this option – everyone said that they would oversing: they did not sing together enough, they did their job poorly. So they went to the microphones and sang again. And then they said that they were in no hurry and could record another song! And then we had to say to ourselves: "Sorry, let's do it tomorrow." So there will be another song by Ilya performed by the choir of veterans. I won't say which one: let it be a surprise.

After that, the children came to the studio, and we continued to work with noise orchestras. We got two wonderful teams: male and female. The male duet fell in love with everyone because the guys improvised with great inspiration. They played everything – an iron, a watering can, a heat generator ... Their improvisational set lasted about four minutes. And then came the septet – seven girls. They performed their own variation of the song about Katyusha. We also recorded an instrumental version. It was also very interesting. After that, we continued to work on the recording of songs by Ilya and Trixa, sometimes interrupted by recording stories. We have already recorded 18 stories in different versions. The choir and percussion will then be added to the songs. And, perhaps, Dmitry Perevoshchikov or Alexei Lekomtsev will play Curious Barbara on the button accordion.

– Nikita, what are your impressions of what is happening? You were kind of ready for something like this after your first visit to Sep, but maybe something new happened to you?
– On my first visit, I realized in what rhythm, pace everything happens here. It seems to me that in Sep the process is more important than the result. This is the switch I flip in my head when I come here.
– A lot of things have already been recorded – and all in one day! .. Do you already see something unified, harmonious in all this?
– I don’t think about how unified or harmonious it is. I think about how this corresponds to the general vector of development of the studio and space. And I think it does. From my favorite, which so far I managed to do ... Some of Ilya's songs in the recorded form are absolutely beautiful! And we'll see what happens in the mixing process. Ilya expressed his readiness for a radical reworking of what he and Trixa had done, a desire to experiment. Let's see how we can find a common language in this regard.

... The end of a hot and busy day – a cool languorous Sep evening, a shy tender orange young moon in the night sky, a leisurely walk through the village streets and paths, an excursion for Ilya, Trixa and Nikita to the Cultural Quarter of the village of Sep and a proud demonstration of the open-air exposition Yard – luminous cubes with traditional tools and vehicles.

What good noise instruments! Trixa exclaimed when she saw the boxes, ancient scales, a wooden chest and other museum exhibits of the Yard. Maybe someday they will too. In the meantime, we are waiting for a new sound – and filming! – day. "
Photo: Alexander Yuminov and Svetlana Maltseva
Source: Sep Community
Source: Sep Community