/ Sep village, Udmurt Republic, July 12–18, 2021
. Sep village: Day 6
The music workshop in the village of Sep is nearing completion. We publish the sixth chapter – a note about the penultimate day of the Swiss musicians in the countryside. Svetlana Maltseva observed and outlined:
“ Today is Saturday – close to the end of the week. And the work of our workshop is gradually, calmly and smoothly coming to an end: tomorrow is the last day.
But in fact, the first stage of creating a radio show has been completed: stories of shame, sounds, songs for the soundtrack have been recorded. There were about a hundred stories, twenty-five people read them in the studio. From Sep, Igra, Nizhny Novgorod, Izhevsk, Moscow… During the recording, the group of authors, which includes Ilya Komarov, Trixa Arnold, Nikita Gorshkov, Alexander Yuminov (I hope I didn’t forget anyone?), decided to make not just a performance, but a radio series – from short radio spots. Because the material, diverse, interesting and sometimes unexpected, turned out to be a sea ... So, upon returning to Zurich (and possibly during the tour in Russia), Ilya and Trixa will take care of the script, and then, together with Nikita – remotely – general editing. I will not delve into technical subtleties, in which I understand little. But it's definitely something special.

– Now we already know for sure that in this radio show everything will be built around songs, because for us songs have become such a cornerstone, a center of attraction, what we worked on and built all the rest of our work around, – says sound engineer Nikita Gorshkov.
By the way, about the songs. Trixa, Ilya and Nikita have a great desire to show the mixed recordings to the choir of veterans who performed Ilya's songs. Maybe it will happen tomorrow. And we also received warm greetings from Izhevsk, from the scientific leader of our project, folklorist and ethnomusicologist Vera Geolenovna Boldyreva. We sent her a song about the railway from the Public Archive of the Traditional Culture of the North of Udmurtia ("Tell me, for God's sake, where is the railway ...”), performed and recorded in the studio by Ilya Komarov, and today we received a response:
– The song is simply wonderful! I listened to it fifty times. Thank you!
Have we intrigued you, dear readers? We hope that you will soon hear the song too.

And today was interview day. In the morning Alexander Yuminov and Vsevolod Yuminov were filming an interview with Ilya and Trixa for a future film about their independent theater and the shame on you! project. Sep Community was also visited by Ekaterina Malysheva and Evgeny Malyshev. Ekaterina is a correspondent for the federal online publication Takie Dela: she talked in detail and sincerely with representatives of the Sep Community about life in the village, about how sociocultural design changes the space, the thinking of residents, and about many other important things. Trixa and Ilya asked Ekaterina and Evgeny to record several "shameful" stories in the studio for a future radio series. "What good people!" – Sep interviewees said about today's guests, after spending several hours with them and showing them the sights of Sep. Katya and Eugene, you can be sure: this is true!

And the best news of the day is for dessert. Today our sound engineer Nikita Gorshkov has a birthday: he is 25 years old! Great date! Nikita, you are young, talented, loved and just a cool guy! We are extremely lucky that you miraculously ended up in our project! On behalf of the Sep Community, we warmly congratulate you and wish you all the best! ”

Photo: Alexander Yuminov and Svetlana Maltseva
Source: Sep Community
Source: Sep Community